Full Stack developer and system administrator
Web Design
People like good looking things, so why not create good looking responsive website designs that meet client's own requirements.
Software Development
People are fascinated by applications, so I am ready to create applications that are both practical and good looking.
Application Design
The most important thing in the application is that it is practical for the user, so I am ready to create designs that are responsive and easy to use in order to have the best possible user experience.
Web Development
Need a website? No worries because I have a lot of experience, and motivation to make your dream come true.
— Designed a responsive frontend for a website called FiveGuard.
UX/UI Designer.
— Designed and developed a frontend and backend for a Rust gambling site.
— Designed and developed a web based authentication system, that allowed players to authenticate their accounts using all kinds of OAuth (authentication) services
— Designed and developed a versatile web based authentication system, that allowed players to authenticate their accounts using OAuth (authentication) services like steam and discord.
Developer, (Self-Employed)
— Designed and developed a multifunctional Discord bot, which has over 60+ commands and web dashboard. You can add custom commands, moderate your server, do giveaways and more! Our bot has Auto role and auto moderation.
Developer, (Self-Employed)
— Developed obfuscator Discord bot, that was able to encrypt multiple programming language les without the les ever going to be physically processed in the server itself.
system administrator.
— Developed and designed FiveM server plugins and maintained multiple servers.
I’m using top leading technologies in my projects.
“Experience is the name
everyone gives to their mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde
“Make it work, make it right,
make it fast.” – Kent Beckp